Eduardo Quiñones, Team leader
Dr. Eduardo Quiñones is a senior researcher at the Barcelona Research Center (BSC). He worked at the Intel Barcelona Research Center from 2002 till 2004. At BSC, he has previous experiences involved in the architectural definition for critical real-time systems in multiple European pro- jects including MERASA, parMERASA, PROARTIS and PROXIMA FP7 projects. Current research interests focus on the applicability of HPC parallel programming models for critical real-time systems to increase performance. This research topic has been developed in the P-SOCRATES FP7 project and in several industrial projects from the auto- motive and the space domains, including projects with the ESA. He is currently coordinating three H2020 projects (CLASS, ELASTIC, AMPERE) related to the use of HPC distributed programming models in smart city domains and par- ticipates in the DeepHealth H2020 project related to distributed deep learning training projects. Eduardo is author of more than 80 scientific papers and holds three patents.

Elli Kartsakli, Senior researcher
Dr. Elli Kartsakli received her Ph.D. in Wireless Telecommunications from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in February 2012 and has worked as a researcher at UPC (2012-2015) and IQUADRAT Informatica S.L (2015-2019). She has joined BSC-CNS in December 2019 as a Ramon i Cajal senior researcher, as part of the Parallel Predictable Computing group. She has extensive experience in H2020 projects (5GPPP-5GPHOS, 5G STEP FWD, SPOTLIGHT, WSN4QoL, etc.), focusing on the design of protocols and architectures for 5G networks, including cloud-based and AI-enabled approaches, cross-layer optimization and energy efficient network design. She is currently involved in the projects CLASS and ELASTIC, aiming to bring together the distributed computed paradigm with the 5G edge ecosystem. She holds one patent, and her work has been published and presented in 30 journals and magazines, 1 book, 11 book chapters and more than 40 international conferences.

Sara Royuela, Senior researcher
Dr. Sara Royuela got her PhD in Computer Architecture in 2018. She has worked at BSC since 2010, first in the Programming Models group and then in the Parallel Predictable Computing group. She is a compiler expert, particularly in compiler analysis and optimization techniques for performance, predictability, and correctness, and she has a deep knowledge of parallel programming. Sara has participated as a BSC member and WP leader in several European Projects: PSOCRATES (FP7,’ 13-‘16), CLASS (H2020,’ 18-‘20) and AMPERE (H2020,’ 20-‘23), providing key contributions to compiler analysis and parallel runtime support in the context of critical embedded systems and HPC. She is the project coordinator of the RESPECT (Agaur,’ 22-24) and LIONESS (ESA,’ 24-25), developing resilience techniques for highly parallel embedded software in the context of critical systems. She has co-led the efforts to parallelism in Ada and several features in OpenMP. Her work has been published in international, well-recognized conferences. She has been part of the program committee and participated in the organization of several conferences. Additionally, she has mentored 1 Master’s student and is currently mentoring three PhD and 1 undergraduate student from the UPC.

Adrián Munera, PhD student
Adrian Munera received his BSc in ComputerEngineering (Computer Architecture specialization) from Universitat Politècnica of Valencia (UPV) in 2018. Then, he finished his MSc in Innovation and Research in Informatics at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), focusing his thesis in the field of OpenMP and real-time systems. He is working as a research student at BSC in the PPC (Predictable Parallel computing) group.
He is currently involved in the AMPERE European project, and has participated in the HP4S bilateral project with Airbus Defense in the context of parallel programming models for critical embedded systems and compiler analysis techniques for correctness and safety.

Tomeu Pou, PhD student
Tomeu Pou Mulet is a PhD student at Barcelona Supercomputing Center with research focused on applying reinforcement learning to adaptive optics in large telescopes.
He has a background in physics (bachelor’s) and artificial intelligence (master’s) and previously has worked on Accenture as a data scientist on the domains of supply chain and healthcare.

Danial Shafaie, PhD student
Danial Shafaie finished his Master’s study in Telecommunication networking at University of Tehran, Iran. With research focusing on video delivery in 5G cellular networks, he experimented with various mathematical models including Deep learning and Game Theory. Currently, he is pursuing his research as a PhD student at PPC group, working on the European project ELIXIRION. His research aims to contribute to the realization of healthcare 4.0 within the 6G compute continuum.

Chenle Yu, PhD student
“There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.” –Wilde
Chenle majored in HPC (High Performance Computing) and Cryptography during his Master’s degree at Sorbonne University in France. Afterwards, he joined BSC (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) as a PhD student. His main research area includes: Real-Time suitable OpenMP implementation, OpenMP linkage to CUDA API by using CUDA graph feature.

Jaume Moragues, Senior research engineer

Xavier Palomo, Senior research engineer
Xavier Palomo got his Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics from Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2015), an Msc in Embedded Systems from TU Berlin (2017) and an Msc in Embedded Systems and ICT Innovation from TU Eindhoven (2018).
He worked two years as a software engineer in Lear Corporation before pursuing his masters. After finishing them, he worked for 3 years in Barcelona Supercomputing Center in the Computer Architecture and Operating Systems (CAOS) group, before joining Maspatechnologies (BSC spin-off acquired by Rapita Systems) since its inception. After two years working as a compiler and integration engineer for TTTech Auto, he joined BSC’s Predictable Parallel Computing Computing group.
Currently, he’s a research engineer in this group involved in the EXTRACT European project, an associate professor at Universitat Rovira i Virgili and he’s finishing his PhD in Computer Architecture.

Sergi Albiach, Research engineer
Sergi Albiach got his Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics Engineering from Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) in 2021, specialising in Computer Science. He is finishing a Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
Since 2021, he has been working as a Master Student in the Predictable Parallel Computing (PPC) group at BSC and has been involved in projects like DeepHealth, parallelising the training of Neural Networks with COMPSs.

Alba Cañete, Research engineer
Alba Cañete received her Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering from Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona (UPC) in 2019. After working as a Devops Engineer for a UPC spin-off she started a MSc in Innovation and Research in Informatics at UPC with the aim of pursuing a career in research. Right now, she is working full-time and doing her MSc thesis at PPC.

Hafiza Kanwal Janjua, Research engineer
Kanwal is working as Post-Doc Researcher in area of Edge-Cloud Orchestration, specializing in High-Performance Computing (HPC) using AI, a role that builds upon my extensive background in cutting-edge technologies. Her expertise spans over six years of research in edge cloud computing, cybersecurity, IoT, and artificial intelligence, with a focus on load balancing, orchestration, cloud security analysis, and software-defined technologies.
Previously, Kanwal was a Marie Curie R1 Researcher in the EU-funded IoTalentum project, where she contributed to advancements in cloud and network orchestration. Her PhD research centered on developing a Cognitive Orchestrator for Software-Defined Networks (SDNs), Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC), and the underlying network infrastructure.
Kanwal holds a PhD in Telecommunication and Information Engineering from Universidad de Valladolid (UVA) and COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), a Master’s in Information Security, and a Bachelor’s in Software Engineering.

Josep Pinot, Research engineer
Josep Pinot is a research engineer at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) in the Predictable Parallel Computing (PPC) group, specializing in compiler infrastructure and runtime systems bridging HPC and critical real-time embedded systems. Previously, he worked as an R&D software engineer, focusing on firmware development, algorithm optimization, and system design for real-time, multithreading applications in the computer vision field.

Oriol Martinez, Research engineer
Oriol Martínez got his Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics Engineering from Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona (UAB) in 2020 with architecture computer engineer and computation knowledge. In the third year of the degree, he worked as a Junior software engineer in Port d’informació Cientifica (PIC), internship and final degree project, where, among other projects, he worked directly with REANA, the main software framework for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) experiment replication. Before entering the Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) with the Computer Network and Distributed systems mention, he worked as a teacher in academic schools as Coding Giants and ENTi. Currently, he is working full-time and finishing the MSc thesis at PPC.

Vicente Masip Moret, Research engineer
Vicente Masip Moret got his bachelor in Automatic and Electronic Industrial Engineering from Poytechnic University of Valencia. His interest in R&D brought him to work in different research projects (related to artificial vision and modelling&control) at the public and private sector.
More recently, he has focused his work into Data science projects, with 5+ years of broad-based experience in building data-intensive applications, overcoming complex architectural and scalability issues in diverse industries. Proficient in predictive modeling, data processing, and data mining algorithms, as well as scripting languages, including Python and R.
He is currently working as a research engineer at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) at the Predictable Parallel Computing (PPC) group, which lead him to get involved with already finished european projects CLASS and ELASTIC.

David Poblacion, Research engineer
David Población Criado got his BSc in Computer Engineering (Computer Science mention) and his BSc in Statistics from Universidad de Valladolid (UVa) in 2022. He holds the Extraordinary Final Degree Award of the BSc in Statistics in his year. At this moment, he is enrolled in a MSc in Computer Engineering also in UVa. He started his career as a Summer Student at CERN in 2021, working as a Software Developer. He is currently working at BSC-CNS as a Junior Research Engineer in the PPC group. His work is focused in Artificial Intelligence, mainly developing and testing Machine and Deep Learning models, among other Data Science and Data Analytics tasks.

Imanol Rojas, Research engineer
Innovative and dedicated Research Engineer and Adjunct Professor with expertise in 5G network deployment, edge computing, and advanced telecommunications systems. Proven track record in implementing scalable solutions using Open5GS, Docker, and Kubernetes. Experienced in academic instruction, specializing in network architecture, operating systems, and computer science. Working at the PPC group on the deployment of 5G netwoks with edge computing for delay sensible applications and services.

Oriol Feliu, Junior research engineer
Oriol Feliu received his Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 2023, specializing in machine learning and software development. Right now, he is working full-time in the Predictable Parallel Computing (PPC) group at BSC.

Giuseppe Italia, Junior research engineer
Giuseppe Italia received his Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Polimi) in May 2023, specializing in Software Engineering and Data Science. His thesis focused on ETL processes, during which a Data Lake was created from scratch. Currently, he is working full-time in the Predictable Parallel Computing (PPC) group at BSC on parallel programming models, compilers and runtime systems for parallel and heterogeneous systems.

Bernat Xandri, Junior research engineer
Bernat Xandri Zaragoza got his Bachelor’s Degree in Telecomunications Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Cataluya (UPC), specializing in Telematic Communications. After working as a cybersecurity consultant for a year, he moved to Sweden, where he conducted his Master’s Degree in Bioinformatics, specializing in Machine Learning and Transcriptomics data Analysis Techniques for Cancer Research.
He is currently working full-time as a Research Engineer in the Predictable Parallel Computing (PPC) group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).

Joel Hurtado, Undergraduate Student
Joel Hurtado is in the last year of the double degree in Mathematics and Computer Science by the Universitat the Barcelona (UB). Joel has great interest in research, and is in an internship with the PPC group in the scope of performance and resilience optimizations for multi-cores.
Former members

Maria Serrano, Researcher
Dr. Maria A. Serrano is a postdoctoral research scientist in the Department of Computer Science at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain. She received her PhD in Computer Architecture from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in March 2019. She studied a B.S / M.S in Computer Science Engineering and a M.S. in Systems Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Zaragoza, Spain. Her research interests focus on critical real-time embedded systems, specifically on developing scheduling tehniques for many-core, multi-core and heterogeneous architectures. She is researching in the use of parallel programming models to provide such embedded architectures with higher performance to implement advanced functionalities in a safe and predictable way. Moreover, Maria’s research is also related to the design of software architectures for distributed systems in edge/cloud environments.

Unai Pérez, Master student
Unai Perez Mendizabal got his bachelor in Computer Engineering from Mondragon Unibertsitatea. He has been involved in research since late 2016, before graduating from his bachelor. He is currently studying the Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics, at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). In BSC, he is participating in European projects CLASS and ELASTIC, mainly researching software architectures for edge and cloud environments, but also acting as a full-stack developer if times are tough. On a personal level, he likes cinema, beer, and hiking in the mountain.

Luka Petrovic, Master student
Luka Petrovic graduted from Metropolitan University with a Bacherlor of Science in Information Technology degree. At present, he is studying the Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics programme, at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) with expertise in High Performance Computing.
He is currently working as a reasearch student at Barcelona Supercomputing Center(BSC) in Predictable Parallel Computing department, mostly on a performance improvement of a system-wide shared memory mechanism for PyCOMPSs applications. As a part of his work, he is also involved in European projects such as; CLASS and ELASTIC.

Eudald Sabaté, Master student
Eudald Sabaté received his BSc in Computer Engineering specialized in Information Technologies from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 2018. He also received his MSc in Innovation and Research in Informatics at the same university by delivering the thesis in the field of edge and cloud scheduling techniques. He is also working as a research engineer at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) at the Predictable Parallel Computing (PPC) group, which lead him to get involved with the already finished project CLASS, and on the ongoing project ELASTIC.

Mikel Solabarrieta, Master student
Mikel Solabarrieta Román is studying the Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics provided by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, specializing in High Performance Computing. He has a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering and another one in Computer Engineering, both from the University of Deusto (UD).
He worked at UD as a research intern at the MORElab department of DeustoTech, the most notable project he took part in being GreenSoul H2020. He is currently working part-time as a research student at the BSC Predictable Parallel Computing department.

Víctor Manuel González, Engineer
Víctor Manuel González is a research engineer at Barcelona Supercomputing Center, and his primary duties are to develop, test software, in addition to giving support to other development teams, also works as the system admin in the PPC group at BSC.
Previously, he has been working as HMI developer in the automotive group Volkswagen in the affiliated company SEAT cars, creating the user interface following and creating the communication between the interface and the car’s ECU.

Oriol Pascual, Research engineer
Oriol Pascual received his Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 2021. After being involved in the home-automation sector, he has decided to further extend his studies by enrolling a MSc in Urban Mobility by the aforementioned university. Meanwhile, he is currently working part-time in the Predictable Parallel Computing(PPC) group at BSC.

Stefan Radonjic, Engineer
Stefan Radonjic is a research engineer at Barcelona Supercomputing Center. He is a researcher in the field of parallel programming. His focus is on OpenMP and its application to the embedded systems.
Previously, he has been working as software developer for outsourcing company Endava, and has experience in object oriented programming, client and server side, as well as languages: C, C++ and Java.

Guerau Dasca, Undergraduate Student
Guerau Dasca Martí is currently studying a double degree in Computer Engineering and Physics Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (CFIS-UPC). During summer 2023, Guerau will be working at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) with the Predictable Parallel Computing group (PPC) on the RESPECT project for the development of software resilience techniques for multi-core systems.

Roger Melero, Undergraduate Student
Roger Melero is a Mathematics and Physics student (double degree) at Universitat de Barcelona (UB). He is working in the PPC group developing the final project of his degree in collaboration with the Observatoire de Paris on the development of data analytics required for exoplanet detection based on the transit method.

Cyril Cetre, Visitor
Cyril CETRE is a PhD student at Thales Research and the Observatoire de Paris that is completing a secondment at the Barcelona Computing Center. His background before the PhD focused on GPU computing as software HPC engineer for several companies, especially using the CUDA programming language. The goal of the PhD is to explore several ways to offload computations to the GPU apart from Nvidia CUDA programming (OpenMP offload, AMD HIP programming language, OpenACC) and to increase multi-process and multi-thread GPU determinism using non-conventional GPU programming techniques. The secondment at BSC aims at using OpenMP offloading while keeping the same level of determinism achieved with the Observatoire de Paris computation pipelines.

Luis Solsona, Undergraduate Student
Luis Solsona Sánchez is a Mathematics student at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). During the summer of 2024, he will be working at BSC with the Predictable Parallel Computing (PPC) group, mainly integrating/extending a MEC (Multi-Access-Edge Computing) topology with RAN scenarios to incorporate computation power for users’ tasks and enhancing AI techniques to jointly manage the communication and computation resource orchestration for seamless SLA delivery to end-users.

Ana Valenzuela, Undergraduate Student
Ana Valenzuela Pérez is currently studying a degree in Physics Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). During the summer of 2024, she will be working at BSC with the Predictable Parallel Computing group (PPC), mainly working on a simulator for RAN (Radio Access Network) with 5G capabilities specifically incorporating 5G slices and incorporating the AI (Artificial Intelligence) based cognitive techniques to optimally orchestrate the radio resources among users to meet the QoS (Quality-of-Service).